
Be sure your league is setup properly before installing any scripts.Setup Video
This directory contains 2 versions of a custom chat script. The "enhanced.js" chat script uses the existing MFL chat and adds sorting , popup boxes to insert images, links and emojis to it. The "mini.js" version is a minimized version of chat that is placed in the footer of your page. You can load one or the other or both script simultaneously , if you want the normal MFL chat enhanced and a footer chat.
Both the "enhanced.js" and the "mini.js" files have uncompressed versions that can be edited and hosted on your own server.
All scripts require cache.js and font awesome file to be placed in a header message as the 1st line. Please review the section "Custom Scripts" Here
The "enhanced chat" is already included in our custom template , the mini chat is not. Do not install it again. Custom template users do not need to load cache.js or font awesome.

enhanced.jsPlace in header message

// - This addon needs to be placed in a home page message marked as header
// - MFL's regular chat module must appear on the home page for this addon to function

var chatAddonInsertImage = true;
var chatAddonInsertLink = true;
var chatAddonCustomEmoji = true;
var chatHideVideoLink = false;
var chatBottomUp = true;
var chatShowLapsedTime = true;
var chatShowMore = true;
var chatDefaultDisplayMessages = 10;
var chatUseFranchiseIcons = true;
var chatFranchiseIconHeight = 20;
var chatImageMaxHeight = 50;
var chatImageMaxWidth = 200;
var chatElapsedTimeColor = "#888";
var chatPopupWidth = 425;
var chatPopupHeight = 450;

<script src=""></script>

mini.jsPlace in footer message

#minichat2_wrapper {background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #555;}
#minichat2_caption {background-color:#000;}
#minichat2_container tr {background-color:#000}
#minichat2_container tr.oddtablerow {background-color:#000}
.minichat2_blink {color:white;background-color:red!important}
.minichat2_blinkText {}
#minichat2_chatTable tr.oddtablerow {background-color:#1c1c1c!important}
#minichat2_chatTable img {height:20px; width:auto;}
#minichat2_chatTable .minichat2_icon {}
#minichat2_chatTable .minichat2_logo {}
#minichat2_privateMessageWrapper span {font-size:smaller;}
#minichat2_privateMessageWrapper select {font-size:smaller;}
#minichat2_onlineTitle {font-size:smaller}
#minichat2_onlineList {font-size:smaller}

var minichat2_displayMessages = 8;
var minichat2_useIcon = true; //If all options set to false then Franchise Name will be displayed
var minichat2_useLogo = true; //otherwise any of the options which are set to true and are not empty
var minichat2_useNick = true; //will be used with priority of Icon, Logo and lastly Nick.
var minichat2_bottomUp = true;
var minichat2_includeTime = true;
var minichat2_includePrivateMessage = true;
var minichat2_includeUsersOnline = true;
var minichat2_enableSmartRead = true; //Since chat will be on every page this, if enabled, will reduce xml requests if there is no chat activity

<script src=""></script>