Submit Lineup

Be sure your league is setup properly before installing any scripts.Setup Video
The submit lineup script directory contains 3 files: "script.js" , "style.css" and "responsive.css" , all 3 of these files are required to run the custom lineup script. The "script.js" file must be loaded into a message marked as a "header". The style and responsive.css files can be added to your existing stylesheets or loaded in any header or footer marked message. A copy of font awesome is also required. Most of our scripts use font awesome to you probably already have that loaded in your header message, if not , then you will need to load that as well.
There was an older script called "headshots" that placed images next to each players names, if you were using that , then it needs to be removed as this Lineup script already has the incorporated. Make sure you view the video and set your league setting up to use custom scripts. Also there is another setting that needs modified. Go to the commissioner setup page , Appearance Setup , Reports and Security Settings and make sure that Display NFL Opponent's Passing/Rushing Rank On Submit Lineup Page? is set to true. Also check if you have a section to set Fantasy Sharks projections to true , if so do that as well. MFL has removed this as a setting and made it defaulted once checked, so you may or may not have it showing.
The "resonsive.css" style is not required if your league is not setup to use responsive css (aka mobile friendly)
All scripts require cache.js and font awesome file to be placed in a header message as the 1st line. Please review the section "Custom Scripts" Here
This script is already included in our custom template. Do not install it again. Custom template users do not need to load cache.js or font awesome.

Lineup JSPlace in header message

var lineupFormations = false; 		// set to true if you have an old legacy league that uses formations for positions
var lu_includeValidation = true;	// turn check on true , or off false to validate lineup submission
var load_lineups_submit_script = true; 	// Set to false to turn off lineup script
var lu_useDefaultAsPrimary = false;	// Set to true to use the MFL default lineup submission page until owner decides to click to use custom
var hideFantasySharks = false;	 	// Set to true to hide links to Fantasy Sharks
var hideOptionalMsg   = false;   	// Set to true to hide optional message input below lineup table
var hideLineupHint    = false;	 	// Set to true to hide the lineup "Hint" message below lineup table

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Lineup CSSPlace CSS or header




/* change color for the small arrow to left top side of previous starters player image */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body tr.previous_starter.player_row td.pphoto:before {
	font-size: 0.875rem;
	height: 0.875rem;
	width: 0.875rem;
	background: #fff;
	text-align: center;
	border-radius: 50%;
	color: green

/* change locked player icon for Starting players games started */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body tr.locked_starter:after {
	color: green

/* change checkbox color for players you have selected to start */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body tr.current_starters_row:after {
	color: green

/* change text color for projected points */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form td.proj-pts,
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form span.points_row .proj-pts {
	color: green

/* change text color for projected points header title */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form tr.starters_pos_row+tr td.proj-pts:before {
	color: #263e68

/* change locked player icon for Bench players games started */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body tr.locked_bench:after {
	color: red

/* change background and text color for the small circle on player photos that shows injury designation */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form td.inj b.warning {
	color: #fff;
	background: red

/* change background and text color error message displayed if too many or too few starters are selected */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body .starter_count .warning_minimum_error, 
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body .starter_count .warning_maximum_error, 
.starter_count_sub.starter_count_sub_fail:before {
    background: red;
    color: #fff;

/* change arrow up color for players not select and on bench */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body tr.current_bench_row:after {
	color: red

/* change text color for players on bye shown in the matchup area */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form td.weekly-opp .warning {
	color: red

/* color of text "B" on top of lock for locked Benched players */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body tr.player_row.locked_bench:before {
    color: #fff;

/* color of font awesome icons in the submit button and custom button at bottom of page */
#body_lineup .form_buttons.default-btn:after,
#body_lineup .form_buttons:before {
	color: #fff

/* change background color circular player images */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body table td.pphoto img[src*="svg"],
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body table tr.player_row td.pphoto img,
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_submission_body td.pphoto img {
    background: #e9ebf0;

/* change border color circular player images */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body table td.pphoto img,
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_submission_body td.pphoto img {
    border: 0.125rem solid #263e68;

/* change background and text color for players rank box that shows at bottom of each players photo */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form tr.player_row td.pos-rank {
    background: #263e68!important;
    color: #fff;

/* change bottom border color for each "th" table header for linep table */
.starters_pos_th {
	border-bottom: 0.188rem solid #263e68

/* change bottom border color for each tablerow for linep table */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form tr {
	border-bottom: 0.063rem solid #ccc

/* change text color for weekly opponent matchups */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form td.weekly-opp,
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body form td.weekly-opp a,
.custom_lineup_submission_body tr.starter_totalsRow td {
	color: #cd2122

/* change background and color for drop down that displays as you scroll down page to show current starters */
#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body .links_nav a {
    color: #fff;
    background: #263e68;

#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body .links_nav a:hover {
    color: #fff;
    background: #cd2122;

/* change background and color for drop down button that displays as you scroll down page to show current starters */
.starter_count_sub {
    border: 0.188rem solid #cd2122;
    background: #263e68;
    box-shadow: 0 0 0.6rem rgb(45 45 45 / 50%);
    color: #fff;
    border-top: 0;

#body_lineup p.form_buttons.buttonDisabledContainer:before {
	opacity: .5;
	pointer-events: none;

#body_lineup.custom_lineup_body caption {
	text-align: left!important

.locked_starter {
	cursor: default!important




#weather-wrapper .current-conditions-place {
	color: #263e68

#weather-wrapper .as_close_btn {
	background: red;
	border-color: red;
	color: #fff;

#weather-wrapper .as_close_btn:hover {
	background: #000;
	border-color: #000;
	color: #fff

#popup-weather-wrapper #popup-weather-container {
	background: #fff;

.current-conditions-temp {
	color: #263e68

.current-conditions-header .current-conditions-text,
.kickoff-conditions-header .kickoff-conditions-text {
	color: #000

.kickoff-conditions-wrapper {
	border: 0!important;
	border-radius: 0!important;

.kickoff-conditions-wrapper {
	border-top: 0.625rem solid #ccc!important;
	border-radius: 0!important;